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PSCC Receives Transformational Grant!
Exciting news! PSCC has been awarded a $48,000 grant from Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation to help complete I-View. Please see the press release link below. We anticipate that I-View will open the door to more collaboration and focus towards achieving important statewide conservation goals. Press Release ICECF
Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly threatened
public comment accepted until october 9 Proposed state development threatens wetland recharge zone The Army Corps of Engineers is accepting public comments until Wednesday, October 9 on a proposed state development within the recharge zone of wetlands that host Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly (HED) with potential impacts to Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve. Lockport hosts multiple state…
Barrington High School “citizen scientists” monitor water quality for Conservation@School project
Advanced placement and honors Environmental Science students at Barrington High School became “citizen scientists” by conducting water testing at five Flint Creek sites in late October, as an ongoing part of Barrington Area Conservation Trust’s Conservation@School Project. The students continued the stream monitoring work that had begun in September by performing physical, chemical and biological…
Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees
You’re Invited! Join us for a free webinar Wednesday, March 13, 2024 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Trees help create healthy neighborhoods and communities, providing economic, health, and environmental benefits that can last for generations. That’s why Friends for Tree Equity, Illinois wants to bring tree equity to Central and Southern Illinois. Funding from the Inflation…
State of the Birds report for the U.S. released
Despite a loss of 3 billion — yes, billion — the State of the Birds report does contain some encouraging news that the steep decline can be reversed through conservation actions that will positively affect all wildlife, and also people. The report states that trends for the nation’s birds shows them declining in every habitat except wetlands,…