SAVE THE DATE- PSCC Annual Meeting: February 26-27, 2015

Mark down Thursday and Friday, February 26 and 27, 2015 at Starved Rock State Park near Utica.
Butterfield Road Acquisition The Conservation Foundation is pleased to announce the acquisition of a 2.25-acre property at the corner of State Routes 53 and 56 in unincorporated Lombard. The property, located adjacent to Butterfield Park District’s recreation center and a child-care facility, was in the process of being developed into the largest gas station and…
Barrington Area Conservation Trust received the 2015 Education, Outreach, and Media Award for its Conservation@Home program. The award was presented by the Lake County Stormwater management Commission at a special reception held in early December. “This program’s success lies in providing landowners with feedback and guidance on ways to improve their properties to better manage…
Congressman Mike Bost (IL-12) this week introduced a bill to create Cahokia Mounds Mississippian Culture National Historical Park. Heartlands Conservancy thanks the congressman for his extraordinary leadership, along with the leadership and support of Congressmen Lacy Clay, John Shimkus, and Rodney Davis and Senator Dick Durbin. In 2014, HeartLands Conservancy, in collaboration with Native American…
Prairie State Conservation Coalition is seeking proposals to help develop a business plan for the organization to better meet the needs of its members. Anyone wishing to submit an RFP can do so by downloading the request here. Complete proposals must be submitted no later than August 22. Questions about the process need to be…
Prairie State Conservation Coalition of Illinois is happy to announce the release of I-View — a free web-based application and viewer showing, for the first time, all natural lands protected in the state of Illinois. I-View will significantly enhance the ability of conservation organizations, private and public, to do conservation throughout the state. PSCC will own,…