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COVID-19 Survey could determine nature funding
Forefront is asking all nonprofit organizations across the state to fill out a survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on their operations and to determine community needs. Forefront is Illinois’ statewide association representing both grantmakers and nonprofits, as well as their advisors and allies. Open space and nature is critical now more than ever. Nature is…
Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees
You’re Invited! Join us for a free webinar Wednesday, March 13, 2024 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Trees help create healthy neighborhoods and communities, providing economic, health, and environmental benefits that can last for generations. That’s why Friends for Tree Equity, Illinois wants to bring tree equity to Central and Southern Illinois. Funding from the Inflation…
Environmental Legacy Webinars
To keep the environmental community up-to-date on new initiatives and furthering our mission of stewardship and improving everyone’s quality of life through nature, we’re excited to offer several webinars on a variety of topics to add to your toolbox! We think you’ll enjoy these and find them energizing as we move forward. FREE — Thursday, July 29…
Invasive Species Meet Their Match
The La Salle News Tribune recently published a nice article about The Conservation Foundation’s partnership with a for-profit company to remove invasive species from Dayton Bluffs Preserve. “The buckthorn and honeysuckle didn’t stand a chance last Tuesday against an army of more than 500 volunteers at Dayton Bluffs Preserve on the east side of Ottawa…” …
Bee webinar Dec. 7 on conservation strategy
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is hosting a webinar Thursday, December 7 on the rusty patched bumble bee to present information about the Service’s conservation strategy; where to get information about section 7 consultations, project reviews, research needs, and surveys; resources that are available to you; and what you can do to help the…