2016 Fishing Guide available from IDNR
The 2016 Illinois Fishing Information guide is available in PDF format through the IDNR website in both English and Spanish versions by clicking here. Regulations in the guide are effective April 1 through March 31, 2017. A reminder to anglers, and would-be anglers, that Illinois Free Fishing Days for 2016 are June 17-20, during the…
February webinars on stewardship, fundraising
Mary Burke from the Land Trust Alliance wants to remind everyone there are several informative webinars slated for February. Sign up now and learn some new skills and techniques specific to land trusts! Stewardship & Land Protection Fee Land Management, 2/3 Appraisal Essentials, 2/11 Pipelines and Transmission Corridors: They’re Coming Your Way, 2/17 Fundraising Growing…
2015 Illinois conservation in review
In looking at this comprehensive report compiled by GIS Consultant David Holman, conservation projects in Illinois have been plenty in the last year keeping conservationists very busy with many amazing accomplishments. For instance, did you know… The Prairie State Conservation Coalition’s mapping project shows there are 62 501(c)3 environmental nonprofits that hold property or conservation…
Bipartisan legislation supports land conservation
In what Land Trust Alliance President Rand Wentworth calls the single greatest legislative action in decades, Congress passed a federal tax incentive bill supporting land conservation. This legislation made permanent the tax incentive for farmers, ranchers and other individuals who place a conservation easement on their land preserving natural resources forever. It also made permanent the IRA charitable rollover. The…
Lake County Stormwater honors BACT program
Barrington Area Conservation Trust received the 2015 Education, Outreach, and Media Award for its Conservation@Home program. The award was presented by the Lake County Stormwater management Commission at a special reception held in early December. “This program’s success lies in providing landowners with feedback and guidance on ways to improve their properties to better manage…
The Conservation Foundation receives highest rating from Charity Navigator
The Conservation Foundation has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, a non-profit corporation that evaluates U.S. charities for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. The four-star rating is the highest possible designated by Charity Navigator and demonstrates to the public that The Conservation Foundation is worthy of a donor’s trust. The…
Barrington High School “citizen scientists” monitor water quality for Conservation@School project
Advanced placement and honors Environmental Science students at Barrington High School became “citizen scientists” by conducting water testing at five Flint Creek sites in late October, as an ongoing part of Barrington Area Conservation Trust’s Conservation@School Project. The students continued the stream monitoring work that had begun in September by performing physical, chemical and biological…