COVID-19 Survey could determine nature funding

Forefront is asking all nonprofit organizations across the state to fill out a survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on their  operations and to determine community needs. Forefront is Illinois’ statewide association representing both grantmakers and nonprofits, as well as their advisors and allies. Open space and nature is critical now more than ever. Nature is…


3-part online Leadership Workshops

PSCC is excited to offer a 3-part online series of workshops to help you become a better leader for your oganization’s future. We have partnered with Benedictine University’s Center for Values-Driven Leadership for these workshops to enable busy leaders like yourself to benefit from a time of focused leadership development. The series focuses on three…


Board statement on Social Justice

June 5, 2020 A LETTER FROM THE BOARD Prairie State Conservation Coalition mourns the recent losses of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, David McAtee, Tony McDade and many others across this country. We recognize the many connections with environmentalism and social justice issues and understand that environmental justice is inextricably linked to civil…


Kerry Leigh appointed to IDNR Advisory Board

Natural Land Institute is pleased to announce that Kerry Leigh, Executive Director, has been appointed by Governor Pritzker to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Advisory Board. Kerry’s term of service will go through January, 2025. The IDNR Advisory Board was established via Illinois State Statute under 20 ILCS 5/5-560 and is comprised of…


George and Barbara Fell Award nominations sought

This is an opportunity to give recognition to an individual who has demonstrated distinguished achievement during an entire career, which could be in natural resources management, education, journalism, law, or science applied to protection, stewardship, or restoration of natural areas. Volunteers also are eligible. This land conservation award is named after George Fell, founder of…


Illinois Monarch Project Action Plan

Survey results from earlier this year have been compiled into a draft action plan that needs further direction. Take a look and let them know if your organization has any projects to benefit Monarchs/pollinators that aren’t covered in the draft action plan. Get your comments and suggestions to them no later than November 4. For natural lands,…


Chainsaw Operation and Safety class

Learn the basic function and operation of a chainsaw and how to handle it safely in the Beginner Chainsaw Operation and Safety Workshop offered by Natural Land Institute on Sunday, November 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Nygren Wetland Preserve, 3190 W. Rockton Rd., in Rockton, Illinois.  This is a great learning opportunity for volunteers, professionals,…


PSCC accepting RFP’s for business plan development

Prairie State Conservation Coalition is seeking proposals to help develop a business plan for the organization to better meet the needs of its members. Anyone wishing to submit an RFP can do so by downloading the request here. Complete proposals must be submitted no later than August 22. Questions about the process need to be…
