
Land Conservancy of McHenry County Grows Prairie

Yonder Prairie Grows On July 18, 2014, TLC added 26 acres to our Yonder Prairie site.  This is an important addition for many reasons.  It makes the area under permanent protection and management even larger (Nearly 170 acres!).  Size does matter when it comes to providing habitat for some of the uncommon wildlife that live…


Invasive Species Meet Their Match

The La Salle News Tribune recently published a nice article about The Conservation Foundation’s partnership with a for-profit company to remove invasive species from Dayton Bluffs Preserve. “The buckthorn and honeysuckle didn’t stand a chance last Tuesday against an army of more than 500 volunteers at Dayton Bluffs Preserve on the east side of Ottawa…” …


The Conservation Foundation Acquires 253 Acres along Fox River; City to Establish Dayton Bluffs Preserve

Ottawa, IL. – In an unprecedented partnership between The Conservation Foundation and the City of Ottawa, a new natural area preserve will be established for the citizens of Ottawa, Dayton Township and all of La Salle County.  The Dayton Bluffs Preserve, consisting of 253 acres along the Fox River, will be purchased by The Conservation…


Illinois Conservation Land Trusts Protect 200,000 acres of open land

Illinois conservation land trusts have helped preserve more than 200,000 acres of open land in Illinois over the last 50 years. The conservation land trust movement is gaining momentum and is supported by private landowners who are concerned about disappearing open spaces and wildlife habitat, deteriorating watersheds and the need for increased local recreational opportunities,…


Protection for Illinois’ highest populations of nesting state-endangered Blanding’s turtles.

Illinois Audubon Executive Director Tom Clay praised Chicago-based Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation and Grand Victoria Foundation for their financial support of Amboy Marsh. “Like never before, and primarily due to these conservation-minded Foundations, Illinois land trusts are protecting some of our most vital lands,” Clay said. “These Foundations and our members are preserving land…
