2023 Land Conservation Conference Update
We had another great annual conference, and many are saying it was the best one yet. And it was! We had a record number of sponsors this year, and almost doubled our attendance from previous years. Starved Rock Lodge was sold out, and we had to add a few more tables for the buffet dinner Thursday night.
As always, we were able to secure some of the best speakers presenting on a variety of topics of interest to all. You can review their programs below, without, of course, their wonderful in-person dialogue, but there is important information to be shared.
Here are PSCC’s 2023 Board of Directors:
Hike App Update – Sandy Kaczmarski, PSCC Communications & Media
Land Conservation: Looking Back and Looking Forward – David Holman, Independent Consultant
2023 Open Space Legislative Agenda – Eliot Clay, State Programs Director, Illinois Environmental Council
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Update – Natalie Phelps Finnie, new IDNR Director; John Rogner, Assistant Director; Ann Holtrop, Chief, Division of Natural Heritage; and Todd Strole, Executive Director, Illinois Nature Preserves Commission
Land Trust Alliance Updates – MaryKay O’Donnell, Midwest Senior Program Manager, Land Trust Alliance
Latest Invasive Species Research – Chris Evans, Forestry Extension and Research Specialist, University of Illinois Extension
The Power of a Volunteer Community – Amy Doll, Director, Friends of Illinois Nature Preserves
Human Dimensions of the Environment: How Social Attitudes and Behaviors Impact Land Preservation and Restoration – Eric Mollahan, Senior Ecologist and Consulting Department Manager, ILM Environments
PBS’ Nature Cat: Have a Grape Day – Joann Fricke, CLIFFTOP Membership Chair
Habits of Effective Prescribed Fire Programs – Bill Kleiman, Nachusa Grassland Director, Illinois Prescribed Fire Council
Forest Carbon Credits: Another Tool in the Land Trust Toolbox –Lisa Haderlein, Executive Director, The Land Conservancy of McHenry County; Kerry Leigh, Executive Director, Natural Land Institute
City Forest Credits – Is the sale of voluntary carbon credits a potential source of income for your agency’s future? – David Guritz, Executive Director, and Stefanie Wiencke, Environmental Education and Special Projects Manager, Kendall County Forest Preserve District ONLINE RESOURCES
Appraisal Challenges – What can land trusts do to help appraisers be more efficient and improve the quality of their reports? –Rick Vojta, Principal, Terra Firma Consulting